Main categories: Jewelry, Metal Crafts, Badge Holder, Watch Accessories, Key Chains
Ranked #1 on-time delivery in Fashion Cuff Links & Tie ClipsMinor customizationOEM for well-known brandsSupplier for Fortune 500 companiesDesign-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties. (Minor means customized on logo/package/graphic customization)
OEM for well-known brands
Suppliers with popular brand OEM experience , as assessed by independent third parties.
Supplier for Fortune 500 companies
Suppliers who have/had a procurement contract with a Fortune 500 company, as assessed by independent third parties.
Design-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties.
Minor customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties. (Minor means customized on logo/package/graphic customization)
OEM for well-known brands
Suppliers with popular brand OEM experience , as assessed by independent third parties.
Supplier for Fortune 500 companies
Suppliers who have/had a procurement contract with a Fortune 500 company, as assessed by independent third parties.
Design-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties.